Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
WIOA is federally funded and has eligibility requirements targeted toward specific segments of the population (i.e. dislocated workers, low income, etc.). Training assistance is normally provided in the form of reimbursements to the business for extraordinary costs incurred in providing on-the-job training (OJT). The reimbursement is calculated up to 50 percent of the hourly wage paid to the employees during the training period. The training period can run from four to twenty-six weeks.
This program can also be coupled with classroom training. In those cases, funding for the additional costs associated with the classroom instruction could also be provided. Individuals enrolled under the WIOA program must be determined eligible for the program and warrant the funding. A formal contract between Job Service North Dakota and the business must be developed, signed, and in place prior to the individuals' employment start date.