Williston Workforce Center contact information
Office | Details |
Address | 422 1st Ave W Williston, ND 58801 |
Office Hours | M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Contact | Susan Granrud, Workforce Center Manager |
Phone | 701-774-7900 |
Fax | 701-774-7925 |
TTY | 800-366-6888 |
Contact | Contact Office |
Follow us on Facebook |
Veterans' Employment Team Contact |
701-774-7900 |
Contact your Veterans' Employment Team Member |
Divide County
- Divide County Public Library: https://www.facebook.com/dividecountylibrary/
- Crosby Community Center: https://www.facebook.com/crosbycommunitycenter/
- ND Small Business: https://dividecountynd.hosted.civiclive.com/economic_development/north_dakota_small_business_development_center
- Crosby Housing Authority: https://www.dividecountynd.org/
McKenzie County
- McKenzie County Food Pantry: https://www.facebook.com/mckenziecountyfoodpantry/
- McKenzie County Housing Authority: https://county.mckenziecounty.net/Department/Housing
- McKenzie County Public Library: https://www.mckenziecountyndlibrary.com/
- McKenzie County Veterans Services: https://county.mckenziecounty.net/Department/Veterans
- Watford City Parks & Rec: https://www.watfordcityparks.com/
- Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce: https://www.watfordcitychamber.com/
Williams County
- Child Care Assistance Program: https://www.hhs.nd.gov/applyforhelp/ccap
- City of Tioga: https://www.tiogand.net/
- City of Williston: https://www.cityofwilliston.com/
- Community Action Partnership: https://www.capnd.org/
- Community Options: https://www.communityoptionsnd.com/
- DAV-Disabled American Veterans: https://www.dav.org/find-your-local-office/
- Little Scholars Preschool: https://www.littlescholarpreschool.org/
- North Dakota Game and Fish-Williston: https://gf.nd.gov/contact-us
- North Dakota Health and Human Services: https://www.hhs.nd.gov/
- North Dakota Health and Human Services-Vocational Rehabilitation: https://www.hhs.nd.gov/vr/about
- NDSU Williston Research Extension Center: https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/greenhouse/willistonrec
- North Star Human Service Zone: https://www.williamsnd.com/departments/nshsz/
- Olive Motherhood Foundation: https://www.olivemotherhoodfoundation.com/
- Ray Chamber of Commerce: https://www.facebook.com/people/Ray-Chamber-of-Commerce/100076746386803/
- Ray City Hall: https://www.raynd.com/
- Tioga Chamber of Commerce: https://www.tiogandchamber.com/
- Tioga Community Center: https://tiogand.net/tcc/
- Tioga Public Library: https://www.tiogand.net/departments/community-library/
- TISA Infant & Toddler Program: https://mytisa.org/?page_id=1225
- TISA Trenton Indian Service Area: https://mytisa.org/
- Train ND Northwest: https://willistonstate.edu/trainnd-northwest/
- VFW Post 12169: https://www.facebook.com/WillistonVFW/
- Western Region Economic Development (WRED): https://www.hhs.nd.gov/vr/about
- Western Area Builders Association: https://westernndbuilders.com/
- Williams County Veteran Service Office: https://www.veterans.nd.gov/williams-county-veterans-service-office
- Williston Area Chamber of Commerce: https://www.willistonchamber.com/
- Williston Board of REALTORS: https://www.willistonrealtors.org/
- Williston Community Builders: https://communitybuildersnd.com/
- Williston Council for the Aging: https://www.willistonseniors.org/about-us
- Williston Convention and Visitors Bureau: https://visitwilliston.com/
- Williston Downtowners Association: http://www.willistondowntown.com/
- Williston Housing Authority: http://www.officialhousingauthority.com/north-dakota/williston-housing-authority/
- Williston Parks & Recreation District: https://www.willistonparks.com/
- Williston Community Library: https://www.willistonndlibrary.com/
- Williston State College: https://willistonstate.edu/
- Williston State College Adult Learning Center: https://willistonstate.edu/about/Community/Adult-Learning/
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Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 11:00 am - 03:00 pm
Categories: Bismarck, Devils Lake, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Minot, Wahpeton, Williston