Job Service North Dakota provides workforce and unemployment services across the state in our nine Workforce Centers and at our Central location in Bismarck, ND. We offer a variety of services for both job seekers and employers. Contact one of our Employment Advisors near you.
Federal Programs
Basic Employment Skills Training (BEST)
The Basic Employment Skills Training (BEST) Program is intended to introduce participating SNAP recipients to job seeking and retention skills. The BEST Program delivers a variety of services that focus on assisting SNAP recipients with skill development, employment opportunities, and employment retention. It is operational in Burleigh and Cass counties.
The Crossroads Program assists with job readiness services such as childcare and transportation assistance for eligible parents who are age 20 years or under and are pursuing high school, GED or alternative high school education. The goal of the program is to keep young parents in school, complete a high school level education, with the intent that they will become self-supporting in the future.
Federal Bonding
The Federal Bonding Program (FBP) benefits employers who hire “at-risk” job seekers through the use of free-of-charge fidelity bonds. The bond serves as an insurance policy for job honesty. Job seekers who may have a risk factor in their personal background have the Federal Bonding Program as a job placement tool to assist them in securing employment. Employers receive the bonds free-of charge as an incentive to hire these applicants. The FBP was designed to reimburse the employer for any loss due to employee theft of money or property up to $5,000 during the first six months of a selected individual’s term of employment. To learn more about this program, call (701) 328-3034.
Foreign Labor Certification (H2A & H2B)
The Foreign Labor Certification program aids both agricultural (H2A) and non-agricultural (H2B) employers who anticipate a shortage of domestic workers to bring non-immigrant foreign workers to the U.S. to perform agricultural and non-agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature. Worker housing provided by the employer for agricultural employment receives a quality inspection by Job Service ND. For more information contact the Foreign Labor Certification Program Administrators.
Job Opportunity and Basic Skills Program (JOBS)
The Job Opportunity and Basic Skills Program (JOBS) combines education, training, job readiness services and employment to enable Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) participants to become self-sufficient.
Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG)
The Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) program provides federal funding for individualized career and training-related services to veterans and eligible persons with significant barriers to employment. Other designated populations may also be served under the JVSG. Contact one of Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists at a location near you.
Parental Responsibility Initiative For The Development of Employment Program (PRIDE)
The Parental Responsibility Initiative For The Development of Employment Program (PRIDE) helps noncustodial parents find employment or better paying jobs so they can meet their child support obligations. PRIDE is a collaboration between Job Service ND, the district courts, and the ND Department of Human Services.
Stevens Amendment
The Stevens Amendment, named after its author, US Sen Ted Steven (R-Alaska), requires that Federal financial support be clearly acknowledged by the grantee when programs or projects are funded in whole or in part with Federal grant money. (See Public Law 100-463, Section 8136.)
Statement of Federal Financial Support
In compliance with the Stevens Amendment, Job Service North Dakota states that the Federal government has provided Title I and III monies to support labor exchange between job seekers and employers, and to provide work experience and training opportunities for WIOA eligible individuals.
Trade Adjustment Assistance
The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) provides programs to assist workers who become unemployed as a result of foreign competition. TAA includes a variety of benefits and re-employment services including job search and relocation allowance, wage subsidy, classroom training with income support, and on-the-job training. For more information, contact our TAA Program Administer: [email protected].
Wagner-Peyser (WP)
Wagner-Peyser is a federal program offering services to job seekers and employers. Job Service staff provide a variety of employment related services to job seekers including job search assistance, job referrals, placement assistance, re-employment services to unemployment insurance claimants, skill and aptitude assessment, career guidance, and referrals to training. Many of our workforce centers also offer a variety of employment-related workshops to assist job seekers in job search and reemployment activities.
Services to employers include recruitment services, referral of job seekers, job orders, coordinating job fairs, and assisting with job restructuring and layoffs. For more information, contact one of our Employment Advisors near you.
WIOA Adult & Dislocated Workers
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and Dislocated Worker are federal programs that provide job training, education, and employment services to eligible adults and dislocated workers. The program is aimed at improving employability, expanding earning potential, and helping participants retain a job by providing a variety of funded activities and services including classroom training, on-the-job training and support services. Activities can be incorporated into an apprenticeship program with on-the job training and funding to cover education costs. For more information, contact one of our Employment Advisors near you.
WIOA Youth
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth program is a federal program designed to deliver a comprehensive array of youth services that focus on assisting out-of-school youth and in-school youth who may have barriers to employment prepare for post-secondary education and employment opportunities, attain educational and/or skills training credentials, and secure employment with career/promotional opportunities. For more information, contact one of our Employment Advisors near you.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federally funded program providing tax incentives for eligible private sector employers who hire job seekers facing employment barriers. Contact our WOTC Program Administer to learn more, (701) 328-2997.
State Programs
ND New Jobs Training
The New Jobs Training (NJT) program is designed to provide an incentive to primary sector certified businesses. A business creating and keeping new full-time permanent employment opportunities in North Dakota may qualify for the amount of ND Income Tax paid on the new job(s) for 10 years. A business may receive their funding at the start in the form of a bank loan or as reimbursement payments that match the amount of taxes paid each quarter. Learn more about North Dakota's New Jobs Training.
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment Insurance (UI) is temporary financial assistance for individuals who become unemployed through no fault of their own (as determined by federal and state law). Each State administers a separate Unemployment Insurance program within guidelines established by Federal law. In North Dakota, Unemployment Insurance is funded entirely by payroll taxes paid by employers. It is intended to provide partial wage replacement while individuals search for a new job or return to work. Disaster Unemployment Insurance (DUA) and Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) are also administered through our UI Claims Center. For more information, contact the Unemployment Insurance Claims Center at 328-4995.